Our Lady of the Rubble Scroll
2007, ink and acrylic on washi; 11 X 71 inches
Home Maker,
While some clean guns in tents
drink blood in sheds, in caves,
while dogs sharpen blades
double click Death
on screens in White Houses, in palaces.
While hogs speak in tongues
Divine Daddies, Yahwehs, Allahs
and Lordgodourfathers
pound drums hate
blood lust
hate blood lust fear
and bulls call their packs into trance
into climbing our backs
in their favorite dance
On Top Humpinkill
getting their suicide bombers excited united.
the Maker
works at home
opening doors
full of birth.
Calling all home makers home.
Throw the beast off your back
bake soft things in the oven
make sweet, make warm
choose beauty
in the cup of tea
in the cloth for bed
work on the plan
a way to be fed
sweep the forests, feed the skies
run the rivers a bath
make the feast, make relief
clean the home altar
give lap to small creatures
hold and fold things
make care
make world
make ruthless love.