Dangerous Buddha Scroll
2007, ink and acrylic on washi; 17 X 76 inches
If you've read this far, it's too late
Dangerous Buddha
lying in wait
in the bottom of your well
past the objects of your desiring
your grief
and your skilled rational.
No dances of conditioning
no reference point,
no mothers of invention
or the dragon of your primitive sequestering
will protect you.
This hunter sees you in the fathoms
of the absolute dark.
Sit here.
Await his waiting
his wounding thrust
which you've already tasted
as everything in you prepares to bloom
though this feels like the end
and it is, it is.
You're his baby now
and the nursery swims
with dead creatures learning to make light
from within.
If you've read this far, it's too late
Dangerous Buddha
no more will you go to war
never again get away with
hard survival competition hierarchy separation.
The infant born within light
sets to rights and
now you're all fertile
you're totally tender
suffering joy —
you are the body of everything.